A14 Tyres Limited 1 Fornham Road, Bury St Edmunds, IP32 6AH 01284 765000
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Wheel Alignment

At A14 Tyres LTD we offer state of the art 4 wheel alignment with the help of the Super Tracker STR400R computer system, this is one of the most accurate systems avaliable on the market and allows us to allign your car with great precision. 

Wheel alignment is important as its affects the amount of wear and tear that tyres endure. By ensure the alignment is correct for your vehicle you will benefit from maximum driver and passanger comfort and reduce wear and tear on your tyres. This will help to prolong the life of your tyres, help the perfomance of tyres, and help with fuel economy. 

An indication that alignment might not be correct is if your vehicle is pulling to one side when you are travelling on a straight, flat road, or you may see abnornal tread wear. 

It is a good idea to get your allingment checked when; 

  • Your vehicle has hit somthing i.e a kerb or a road hazzard 
  • You notice abornmal wear on your tyres 
  • Your Vehcile is pulling to one side
  • When you buy a new set of tyres and would like them to last as long as posisble 
  • When you replace suspension or steering components 

if you have any questions regarding please contact us 


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